"The Civil War Diary of Freeman Colby, Volume 2: 1863" by Marek Bennett
1863: The continuing saga of a Yankee school teacher in the Union Army: Young Freeman Colby joined the 39th Massachusetts Regiment in search of “better returns,” but now he just wants to survive the war and return home to his friends & family in New England! Marching deeper into the war-torn heart of Virginia, he crosses paths with countless fellow survivors — widows, poets, volunteer nurses, refugee children, ragged soldiers, brave mothers striving to deliver their families from slavery…
This wide-ranging graphic novel weaves together their stories with Colby’s actual letters home, laying bare the day-to-day human struggles that shaped one of the most consequential years in American history.
Includes maps, reference material and lots of additional source notes!
5″ x 7″, 550 pages. $24.95
Full-color covers with b w interior. Perfect-bound GN
* includes limited-edition bookplate and "Freeman Colby's Illustrated Civil War Magazine" full of photos and other source imagery used in creating the book! (while supplies last) *